Musculo-skeletal Health Program





Musculo-skeletal Health


Musculo-skeletal Health


Manual Handling


Workstation assessment


Pro-Active Rehab


Musculo-skeletal Risk Assessment




Clinical Diagnostic Assessment


No ticket no start checklist







(Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the resources

and sample reports accompanying this program)



How to lower your workers

compensation premiums?


Measure, manage and monitor the risk.


Poor musculo-skeletal health is a significant cost to all workplaces. On one level it contributes to constant discomfort of individual employees. On another level it is a most significant contributor to workers compensation claims.


Measure, manage and monitor the risk.




Download a copy of the workbooks:

Musculo-skeletal Health seminar

Safe Lifting

Sit-up-straight workstation assessment

How to Relieve Back Pain Yourself


Download a copy of the

Clinical Diagnostic Assessment template


Download a copy of the

Workplace Accident Insurance Blueprint


Download a copy of the

Musculo-skeletal Health Risk report spreadsheet

-  Scroll down and get a picture of what risk really looks like.


Download a copy of the

Specific Joint Condition assessment spreadsheet

- Scroll down and see the amount of joint pain people are putting up with.


The Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar is designed to 


help your staff identify the cause of their personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunctions and learn the exercises they need to do to restore poor function to good – or stop the dysfunction from happening in the first place.



provide you with the tools to measure, manage and monitor the risk your organisation is carrying of staff with personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunction(s).


Once your staff have completed this Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar they’ll willingly participate in a daily 10 minutes of strength and flexibility exercise program.


During the seminar staff complete a Specific Joint Assessment Profile and the 10 point Musculo-skeletal Risk Screen. From these results you’ll have a good idea of what the risk to the organisation is and what to do to manage it.


From the results you’ll be able work out what to do to erect a firewall between the personally generated musculo-skeletal dysfunctions and the genuine work-related injuries.



This is a program for all staff – the risk is too high to let people pick and chose whether they want to attend.


We recommend staff to do it in sections so managers and supervisors can get a feel for the enormity of the problem and shoulder some of the responsibility for managing it.



We can conduct 4 sessions per day – starting at 7.00 am. Each session takes 2 hours.

If the area is large enough we can handle 20 – 25 people at a time.



We take people through the 10 point Musculo-skeletal Risk Screen so they can get an idea of how weak and tight they are.


We provide organisations with an audit report generated by our health information management system, that includes individual scores. With this information you’ll be able to better manage the risk of those people in poor musculo-skeletal health and those at grave risk to the organisation’s workers compensation arrangements.


If the seminars are rolled out section by section, the audit report can be used as a management tool to not only lower the risk of musculo-skeletal dysfunction but also provide information on general health, fitness and wellbeing and OH&S management in general.



Based on our experience, participants will willingly agree to take part in a 10 minute stretching and strengthening session each day.


However, this will only happen if managers and supervisors are given a key performance indicator (KPI) to drive the program. Ideally they will want to demonstrate that after 6 months their staff are stronger, more flexible and less pained that they were when the program first started.


Rewards and incentives can be built into the program.


Participants in pain and at grave risk will willingly agree to take part in several more intensive sessions each week.


Daily exercise programs can be conducted by staff 'champions' (particularly staff with a fitness qualification), with supervisors and managers providing general oversight. More intensive sessions in the workplace can be managed by staff trained and accredited by Integrated Health Systems.



For a modest investment participants will have download access to the complete Global Back Care set of ebooks.



This program is an investment in, not a cost to your business.


The aim of the program is to reduce your worker’s compensation costs of musculo-skeletal dysfunction by 80%. In essence you’re investing a small amount of money up front to save the high cost of worker’s compensation arrangements further down the track. (How would you like to be on the receiving end of a payout of $500,000 when someone hurt their back while lifting a box of files out of the boot of their car at home?)







Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar


Time  Venue Etc Etc Etc


Join Canberra physical educator, John Miller for this inspiring and motivating seminar for people who want to protect themselves from musculo-skeletal dysfunction and/or restore poor function to good.


The Integrated Health Systems Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar is designed for people who want to improve their musculo-skeletal health. It is a must for people with lower back pain, stiff necks, painful shoulders, hips, knees and wrists!


By attending this seminar you will learn


what are the main causes of the common, personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunctions



how to make the distinction between an injury and a dysfunction – this will impact on who you’re going to blame and what you’re going to do to get rid of the pain!



how to measure the risk of getting back, neck, shoulder, wrist, hip, knee and foot pain



how to protect and/or rehabilitate yourself from back, neck, shoulder, wrist, hip and knee dysfunction using the Pro-Active Rehab conditioning program



how to protect yourself with a good ergonomic set-up at work and at home



why the rub down, crunch, hot wheat bag, electric shock, Celebrex tablet and scalpel are unsatisfactory treatments for the personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunctions.



how to protect yourself from pain that occurs when lifting an object.


MOST IMPORTANTLY, you’ll learn some of the key exercises you need to do on a regular and systematic basis to get yourself back in better alignment and pain free.


The key to getting back into good musculo-skeletal health is ‘patient heal thyself’.


By the end of the seminar you’ll be in a good position to know what to do to get yourself back into a pain free state. You don’t need a PhD in rocket, medical or pharmaceutical science. All you need to do is find a bit of time each week to do the exercises which will get your body back into better alignment and strong enough to do every day tasks in comfort.


You’ll be glad you came.


You’ll receive an interactive work book.


Bring your reading glasses and a pen. Wear comfortable slacks. (Don’t wear jeans and don’t even think of coming in a frock.)







(Use the 'back button' after opening up each link. Some pages may take a while to close down.)


   Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar advert


   Musculo-skeletal Health Seminar workbook


   Back Pain Relief ebook


   Seminar feedback sheet


   Clinical Diagnostic Assessment template


   Workplace Accident Insurance Blueprint


   The evidence - Musculo-skeletal Health Risk report spreadsheet


   The evidence - Musculo-skeletal Health Risk report spreadsheet


   The evidence - joint condition spreadsheet


    The evidence - Health_climate_survey spreadsheet


   Further information:


   Pro-Active Rehab


   Miller Heath series of ebooks


   Crook Back Clinic



Miller Health

7 Salvado Place, Stirling (Canberra) ACT 2611 Australia

(02) 6288 7703